The TWAIS Agency

The Way Advertising Integrates Sales

The Way Advertising Integrates Sales
Our Services

 Media Strategy, Planning and Implementation --- A well constructed media and communications strategy is a vital component to an organization’s overall business plan.  TWAIS works closely with our client’s management team to create an effective communications strategy by analyzing problems and opportunities, defining goals, determining the target audiences to be reached, determining the message to be communicated, determining the media strategy to be utilized, and recommending an implementation plan.  We are dedicated to developing long-term client relationships.  We accomplish this by developing an in depth knowledge and understanding of our clients business and providing increasing value to our clients through our strong publicity industry contacts.


  Media Relations --- Media relation is the endeavor to inform or persuade journalists that a client’s story or message is worth publishing as it will interest or benefit his or her readers, listeners, or viewing audience.  Creating and maintaining personal and professional relationships with key reporters, editors and producers in the print and broadcast media is essential to getting media attention and generating positive media coverage. TWAIS AGENCY has established longstanding working relationships with the Jacksonville media and is recognized as a quality source for news worthy information. TWAIS AGENCY knows how to identify the appropriate media contact for a particular story, how to capture the interests of a particular reporter, editor, or producer, and how to construct messages that will most likely be chosen for media coverage

 Cause Marketing ---  Also known as ‘strategic philanthropy,’ cause marketing is the process of identifying a company or brand with a specific cause within their community.  Cause marketing is simply good business.   It provides the opportunity for brand bonding with a targeted charity or not-for-profit organization. TWAIS AGENCY works with its clients to identify those organizations that provide the greatest strategic fit.  Programs and/or events are then developed which allow for a company to be recognized in the media as a good corporate citizen while positioning themselves positively in the minds of their customer. (Top)

  Videography/Photography --- There is no more effective way to get your message across than through video. TWAIS AGENCY uses state of the art digital video equipment to insure your message makes a powerful impact on its intended audience.  Our Video Production Director has more than a dozen years of experience writing and producing award winning television stories.  His work has been repeatedly recognized on a national level.  Perhaps you need a marketing video for your sales staff, a cost efficient orientation video for new employees, an employee training video, or a broadcast quality television commercial.  TWAIS AGENCY will provide you sizzling video quality, elevating your company’s image.      (Top)

 Editorial Services --- Ninety five percent of press releases subm writing and distribution of press releases that are well constructed, interesting, newsworthy and most likely to generate media interest and coverage. TWAIS AGENCY also provides preparation and placement of bylined articles, company background, executive biographies, product information, newsletters, and employee publicity.    (Top)

  Media Training --- Utilizing classroom training, one-on-one coaching, interview preparation and on camera practice. TWAIS AGENCY will teach company executives and /or designated company spokespeople how to prepare for media interviews, how to present themselves, how to anticipate and handle difficult questions, and how to ensure that their desired message is communicated accurately and credibly to the target audience. TWAIS AGENCY will also produce a company media response manual for ongoing reference use in preparing for media interface.   (Top)

 Crisis Management and Communications ---
Unexpected crisis situations with potentially serious negative media implications can occur in any business or organization.  While in many cases these events may be out of a company’s control, it is possible that with advanced planning and preparation, a company can limit the negative impact and in many cases create a positive position with the media, employees, clients, and the general public, by developing a proactive planned response to potential crisis situations. TWAIS AGENCY works with our clients to identify those potential negative or crisis situations and then develop a plan to respond to each.

 Events and Seminar Planning ---
Success is in the details … and producing a flawless meeting or special event requires more that just effort.  Whether it’s a press conference, ground breaking ceremony, awards program, grand opening, sales meeting or hospitality event, TWAIS AGENCY has the expertise to plan and manage special events that leave a lasting impact on you audience whether you are reaching out to the media, consumer, your employees or the community. Our events planning team can take care of everything from the big picture to the smallest detail.  We can create the presentation, coordinate the involvement of speakers, entertainers and attendees, manage site selection, food and beverage, invitation, ticket sales, pubilicity, facilities, and security.  (Top)

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